Thursday, August 13, 2009

The World According To Christopher Hitchens

MC is a big fan of Christopher Hitchens and, no, that doesn't mean we agree with everything he says or does. Since when is that a requirement of admiring someone? Click on the image above to enlarge.

FORA TV has a nine part series dealing with Hitchens and various issues. Click on the title of this post to go to its website. Enjoy; it's almost impossible not to. Hitchens is a native born Brit now a naturalized US citizen. He famously broke with the Left over his support of the invasion of Iraq.


  1. FLORA TV eh? I'll have to check that out. I too admire this man, but haven't quite figured out what he is all about yet. Stumbled on your blog from a google image search, BTW.

  2. Smartest man in the world. And he probably will curse my ass for saying that... Love him.

  3. One of the most well-informed men in the world perhaps is better.
