MC, which knows something about the weirdness with which the RPM treats these things, has come into possession--unsolicited, thank you--of a partial list of what we believe to be current (read: June 13th) delegates to the State Central Committee. We list them below for the benefit of the wider conservative Minnesota public. MC believes such email addresses ought to be easily available to activists and agree with what Drew Emmer had to say on this topic here:
Go Ask AliceHerewith, your servants:
[see post above regarding email addresses previously posted here]
This shows how letting an unscrupulous person have a list, makes it totally public. It's hard to see myself supporting a person or group that is so uncouth and droll. I have worked many hours on voter ID, and the biggest issue people have, is the fear of their information getting out publically. Professionalism and class can go a long way. I hope that Malzacher/Gilmore learn that someday.
The issue of the list was greater than e-mails. The CC list includes home address, and any phone numbers given. Thus it opens to mail, phone, and e-mail spam from multiple sources.
I tried to an effort to allow supplemental information to be sent, but using the state bulk mailing. Thus the addresses would not be public, but the material could still get to the CC delegation.
This shows how letting an unscrupulous person have a list, makes it totally public. It's hard to see myself supporting a person or group that is so uncouth and droll. I have worked many hours on voter ID, and the biggest issue people have, is the fear of their information getting out publically. Professionalism and class can go a long way. I hope that Malzacher/Gilmore learn that someday.
The issue of the list was greater than e-mails. The CC list includes home address, and any phone numbers given. Thus it opens to mail, phone, and e-mail spam from multiple sources.
I tried to an effort to allow supplemental information to be sent, but using the state bulk mailing. Thus the addresses would not be public, but the material could still get to the CC delegation.
The commentator above seems a bit incoherent. MC is not sure what sort of "list" he or she has in mind as the list we posted here is only emails. It is 2009 and if you want to be on the RPM State Central Committee but are "afraid" of giving out your email address, then perhaps a cloistered Order is better for you. There was nothing unscrupulous in Swinehart's mistake: it was just that (cue the Christian forgiveness theme). MC loves words and uncouth is one of our favorite but the poster coupling it with droll shows he/she knows not the meaning. Droll means humorous, a quality the poster lacks.
The poster is flatly wrong that anything we have posted contains home addresses and phone numbers. As for the last paragraph, we have no idea what is being said and so accordingly say nothing.
But, in the Minnesota spirit, "thank you for sharing."
This should have ben kept among the delegates instead of posting it publicly.
MC must respectfully disagree with this poster. Why should not the rest of the party know who is on the State Central Committee and how to contact them? Whose interests does isolation serve? Does not the Central Committee represent the rest of the Republican Party in Minnesota? How can we Republicans be this removed from democracy? One half of MC is in the Third and the other half is in the Fourth. Why can't someone from the Seventh or Eighth contact us?
MC wishes the poster had added a bit more as to why he or she thought the list should be kept as a Gnostic Gospel of sorts. For ourselves, we don't fear the light.
Activists, republican OK. But posting it on a blog off of an email mistake is not fine. Way to go, now there will be no compromise at SCC over list access. You have proven their point for them. Good job on messing it up for everyone.
MC agrees there should be no compromise over list access. Why the hell would we post this in the first place? Yah Allah or poda: take your pick. This commentator smacks of Evie or Brian: thank you for your service, here's the door.
As for messing it up for everyone: thank YOU for losing so many races on our behalf and still expecting to be reelected to your flacid position. Get out.
MC - this was done in very poor taste. I firmly believe that access to state central delegates should be opened up - but *only* if that state delegate wishes to disclose that information. Obviously you do not understand the concept of misuse of data. Sending email addresses to individuals and organizations via a request is a far cry from publishing them on a public website with out consent. You have just made our addresses not only available to "activists" and other Republicans - but to every spam bot out there than can crawl a website. I have lost all respect for you.
Poor taste? Would that be mayonnaise on white bread or a tuna casserole? This cluck has not the courage of his or her convictions (that "firmly believe" jive) to sign the name but we at MC take these Vichy types for what they are worth: stones on graves. Oops. MC hates it when we write above commentators' grasp.
MC thinks, contra Wagner (oh go look it up, one must have some fun with the hoi polloi) that you never had any respect for us in the first place or else we'd have heard from you by way of support, monetary or otherwise.
Who wrote this? Evie? Ron? Taco Tony? Darren the Apparatchik? The list is endless but, at the end of State Central, you must all go.
Don't try to justify your unauthorized disclosure of confidential information as some kind of blow for "openness" in the Party. By publicly posting this information, you haven't just told other SCC delegates this information, but the whole world. Don't you know that "bots" constantly comb the Net for email addresses, and you've just given them a bonanza. For the next 60 days, I promise to forward all offers for millions of dollars in Nigerian bank accounts to you.
jerrye9 at nospam.net
I believe there is a way for all state central delegates to be connected in a manner not threatening to their privacy. Moreover, I think an attitude of open-mindedness with regard to all things State Central might afford the best environment for the reforms we need in our party to contribute to the winning of a majority. This is about winning.
I'm not personally a fan of personal attacks. As delicious and self-satisfying as they can be the ultimate result seems to only be compounded acrimony. I do default to identifying nincompoopism when I see it. A kinder gentler way of stating the obvious perhaps.
The moment you are elected a State Central Delegate/Alternate you should get a confidential directory of all members and perhaps access to a confidential working group website (ooooooooh technology)to generate communication and cooperation between members. I know, pretty revolutionary concept.
The last State Central meeting in Rochester passed at least part of a measure to make it harder for a grassroots calling of a state central meeting. Mind you, there has to my knowledge never been a grassroots attempt to call a state central meeting. So they tightened the requirements on a process that had never been invoked. Talk about paranoia. Incredibly, the State Central passed this measure at least in part. Perhaps someone will offer a motion from the floor to rescind this unnecessary piece of nincompoopism. Or perhaps those who value their stranglehold on the process over trusting the collective will of the members will prevail.
Drew Emmer
204 Buffalo Street
Delano, MN 55328
I just ask, PLEASE be careful... I am not going to jump on the argument of whether this is right or wrong, but from a technology point of view... be aware the laws of unintended consequences! BTW, I do not work for the State Party!
I have no idea who you are but with this single public action of yours defining my opinion, I think you demonstrated poor judgement.
You are wrong when you say, “We list them below for the benefit of the wider conservative Minnesota public.”. What you really did was provide a benefit to the significantly broader global email spammers that crawl blogspot to harvest email addresses for spamming purposes.
I put a huge amount of personal effort into keeping my email address out of the hands of spammers and expend additional effort wading through spam to get valid email.
FYI, you could have made the information available to humans in a way that spam crawlers could not get at it.
I am requesting that you take my email address off this blogspot page. I am happy to have my contact information available to other MNGOP Republicans but not spammers.
Joe Emmett O’Brien
State Central Committee-MNGOP
State Delegate-MNGOP
CD2 Delegate
Carver County Republicans Board
Desk: (952) 943-3969
I just don't see the point in posting it on the internet. I get sharing it amougst the delegates/alternates and maybe Republican, Conservative groups in order to lobby the SCC. But posting it in the open for the DFL, any crazy person or what have you doesn't even suit the purpose. I have to say, that if there is a discussion on the floor about sharing info, I have been moved from the idea of openness to caution and I will take concerns of the other side more serious now.
Did you consider that some people use gave their party their work email? So, a limited amount of email now has turned into a major email faucet.....thanks.
So, a simple email mistake has now turned into a very unfortunate event.
In the "old days" the only communication possible was that allowed by Robert's Rules. That is, you stood up at the meeting and made your point, there was debate, and something happened or not as a result. Everyone heard, everyone, within the rules, had a chance to speak. Suggesting that just any old crank could blast out an email to all (or a selective some) delegates is not only undesirable, but tends to circumvent the proper process.
Your suggestion that technology offers a solution is true. Several groups have created websites or email listservs which are wholly voluntary and prevent spam (usually). If people wanted to hold discussions about State Party business on such a basis, and make it exclusive to SCC delegates (for some unknown reason) I think it is a good idea. The wide-open kind-- blogs and listservs-- are already in place. Having the State Party manage such a "discussion" site would have to be done, I think, with at minimum a change to the Bylaws. Nothing official could be done, but it would permit a wider exchange of ideas and more debate prior to the official meeting.
I made such a suggestion. Having a site for discussions by CC members, and one for the state convention delation. I also suggested that materials could be submitted and sent out without distributing the list. For those that are not knowledgeable, it includes multiple contact information.
Being stupid does not excuse uncouth or rude behavior.
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