At least one half of MC is an enthusiastic reader of obituaries (we Irish call it "the sporting news"). The Telegraph in the UK is perhaps the world's premiere writers of obits which give you a sense of almost having lived along side the deceased, which we all will be one day.
Click on the title of this post to see why MC was delighted with this lovely soul who has recently shaken off her mortal coil.
I think Flossie had a Facebook page. :)
I think Flossie had a Facebook page. :)
Such a lot of rubbish has been said about the Sun Inn Leintwardine, Flossie was not born at the pub but in Ross on Wye Herefordshire, she moved there around 1930s. No she was not a formidable lady, far from it, straight to the point, yes, formidable no.
Flossie was not behind the times either, ok she didnt have a microwave, or a telephone, but yes she did have a tv, and she was up to date in everything. Flossie new everything on the news, never looked back on the passed.
She did not run the pub single handledly, my husband David Holloway served every night for well over 20 years, unpaid, Flossie would buy him the odd pint. It was only after Davids heart attack 5 years ago that the newer members of the sun would start to serve themselves.
There has been much said about the Sun, but nothing about the real regulars of the Sun, most now unfortunately died, they all said Flossie would out live them. Jim Jukes, Jim Nokes, Peter and Viv Falkner, Brian Ward, Mr Vikrice, Gerald Galleriers, Dug Griffiths. Dave Holloway, the last 3 are alive and kickin, and sorry for anyone ommited.
These are the ones that were down the Sun Inn most nights.
Flossie was a lovely lady, wicked really, it is true she has a name for every one, there was "back to downton" which was Brian. A lovely gentlemen that loved to recount his times on the farm at Downton, and many more.
We will miss you flossie you were the sun Inn. you were the heart and the soul of the pub. Lovely yes, formidable never. love you flossie, xx
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